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Program Audition ad (1).png

Come sing with us! Auditions are open to all--no experience is necessary for our training choirs. (For our intermediate and advanced choirs, experience is required.) The process is simple--just pick a date and let us know you're coming (form below). Auditions spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out via phone (916)220-0970 or email


Sign Up to Audition

Reserve your spot by completing the form below. Please direct any questions to (916)220-0970 or email

We look forward to meeting you and your singer!


  • Friendly, low-pressure environment

  • Opportunity to meet director(s)

  • Music games, rhythm activities, and pitch-matching

  • All singers will be asked to sing an excerpt from America (My Country "Tis of Thee)

  • More advanced singers can also prepare an additional audition song to present (bring sheet music)

My country tis of thee

Sweet land of liberty

Of thee I sing

Land where my fathers died

Land of the pilgrim’s pride

From every mountain side

Let freedom ring

Beginning Singer Auditions (elementary grades)

Your singer will be greeted by one of our choral directors. For younger singers, this interview/audition allows our directors to have one-on-one time with your singer so they feel more comfortable for the first day of rehearsal. Singers will participate in singing games, rhythm activities, and pitch matching. Your singer will be asked to sing an excerpt from America (My Country 'Tis of Thee). No experience necessary--we teach singing and music reading!


Intermediate/Advanced Auditions (6th-11th grade)

The director will have singers vocalize and ask questions about the singer's music-reading skills. They will sing America (My Country 'Tis of Thee). They can also present another appropriate audition song (bring sheet music).


All choirs above the beginner level require singers to have some experience. This means the singer has sung in a school choir or a community choir for more than a year, knows how to read music with basic skills in melody and rhythm, has appropriate singing technique, and perhaps even plays an instrument. At the advanced level, singers will require more advanced skills and more extensive experience.


Placement decisions are based on singers' prior musical experience, musical aptitude, and pitch-matching abilities. Singers will be notified by email where they have been placed in the NCCC program.


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